Sunday, May 24, 2009

Boy, does He ever provide!!!!

The trip down to L.A wasn't so pleasant at first. Ofcourse I waited until the last minute to pack everything and at the same time I was getting my hair redyed because let's just say before now.... it was CHERRY red. YIKES. Now its a more calm, nuetral color. Praise God. I felt nauseated all day and I was crying alot my mom and I cried alot.... After getting through the check point at the airport ready to take off, the gentleman (Tyler) was so nice came up to me and explained that we would not be flying out on the 18th, but we would arrive on the 19th. I was a little bit peeved because this is would have been the second time I had flown with this airline and had been delayed. Later, after an hour of waiting Tyler reappeared to let me know that hotel vouchers were going to be given for a night's stay at a hotel and for the inconvenience. This meant that the hotel I had reserved for the night in LA no longer needed to be paid for and I had a free night's stay in a hotel!!! Also, because of the inconvenience we were giving a voucher for our next flight on the airline in which I do not want to mention because I don't want to discredit them. The next thing that God provided me, was my airline tickets I had purchased to begin with for a friend of mine and myself and two dogs, they refunded me all of it but 18.00. This only goes toward my next flight through them. Upon my arrival to the apartment I was exhausted, the dogs did really well on the plane it being the first flight they've ever been on. I had a job interview to be at which I had rescheduled for a later time (I'm sure I got the job) The interview went well and they stated because I had researched the company and it's background that the chances of me getting that job were great. (I will know Thursday, and keep you posted) Faith without works is dead. I still cant believe it I'm here and I kinda wish I was little again with mom and dad together and they provided everything for me. I'm 26 now and it's time to grow up and live VICTORIOUSLY and Strong throug Christ Jesus. I'm pulling on the rope and climbing up day by day. I kinda get a little dizzy thinking of just how much God has done and provided for me in soo many ways and even in this short amount of time I have been here. I love the apartment and I have an amazing circle of friends already :) love and be loved.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

A new found energy...

I start my blog by saying God is good. I lOVE JESUS CHRIST with all my heart and soul and am thankful for his inclined ear to me. I talk to God daily, in my thought process and in my believing and hoping for I continually seek His face. Today, I'm in Grand Junction, CO. Tomorrow night I will be in what I love to call home. Los Angeles, CA. Tomorow is the beginning of a whole new chapter in my life. Even for the slightest of moments I've not wanted to take my eyes of God. I've been through this before where God had opened doors for me and given me words and when all was right everything fell apart. It took me a long time to recover from that and to understand why that happened. It was my dream so long ago to move to Orlando, FL. It is now beyond me as to why, there is and was nothing there for me like I had once thought. I asked God why? Why did you do that to me? Give me all those words about living on my own, getting a job, and etc... I wouldnt speak to God for almost two months after that. And then, when I decided to listen to Him again he spoke. I got way to prideful, and gave myself the glory and had an "I'll show you" attitude I was trying to prove those that love me the most wrong. And, not to mention... he also told me "He isnt going to take his own Will away. Florida wasn't His will for me to begin with. Which brings me to my next point, Is L.A. his Will? Am I doing the right thing? I am not giving myself any Glory but only to HIM and HIM alone. Well, I not only have an apartment, but I can take my dogs with me on the plane, I have a first floor apartment, And I have two job interviews this week One in which I have pretty much already,the other I am in faith that I will get as well. I've come up for air and this time grabbed hold of God's grace and mercy. I will write more later, I need a shower and to get dressed to go have lunch with a friend. Blessings to all, Love me.